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baked fish

Baked Fish with Spinach and Olives Ingredients 500 g Spinach 4 pieces Fish fillets 1 Olive oil 1 to taste Black pepper – ground ½ cup Sun-dried tomatoes ½ cup Black olives ¼ cup crushed macadamias ¼ cup Fresh parsley 1 Lemon Step 1 Heat oven to 220 degC. Arrange spinach in the base of […]


Macadamia Tree – H816

[widgets_on_pages id="1"]The H816 variety is a tall upright tree that may be topped to control its height early on. To ensure a healthy tree with excellent crops every year, mulch in summer and apply fertiliser every Spring and Autumn.

The H816 variety partners well with the H849, TMac 1, TMac 16, TMac 217 and H741.

Due to overwhelming demand, this product cannot be shipped until Autumn 2025.


Macadamia Tree – H849

[widgets_on_pages id="1"]H849 is an open, upright spreading tree, easy to maintain with little or no pruning required. To ensure a healthy tree with heavy crops every year, mulch in summer and apply general fertiliser every Spring and Autumn.

The H849 variety partners well with TMac 1, TMac 16, TMac 217, H741 and H816.

Due to overwhelming demand, this product cannot be shipped until Autumn 2025.


Macadamia Tree – H741

[widgets_on_pages id="1"]H741 is a small upright, open tree that is easy care and does not require pruning. Mulch in summer and apply general fertiliser every Spring and Autumn to maintain healthy plentiful crops every year.

The H741 variety partners well with TMac 1, TMac 16, TMac 217, H816 and H849.

Due to overwhelming demand, this product cannot be shipped until Autumn 2025. 


Macadamia Tree – TMac.217

[widgets_on_pages id="1"]These trees are small and open and easy to maintain with little or no pruning required. To ensure good crops every year once they start producing, mulch every summer and apply fertiliser every Spring and Autumn.

The TMac 217 variety partners well with TMac 1, TMac 16, H741, H816 and H849.

Due to overwhelming demand, this product cannot be shipped until Autumn 2025.


Macadamia Tree – TMac.16

TMac 16 is a small, open tree with smooth leaves that requires very little maintenance other than mulching for summer and general fertiliser applied in Spring and Autumn.

The TMac 16 variety partners well with TMac 1, TMac 217, H741, H816 and H849.

Due to overwhelming demand, this product cannot be shipped until Autumn 2025.