Monthly Macadamia Field Days from Torere Macadamias
Monthly Macadamia Field Days are held for prospective commercial macadamia growers to…
View the Macadamia trials – including the 1993 mature trials and the 2002 new Macadamia trial varieties
See for yourself how different the Macadamia varieties are and how easy it is to grow macadamias
Choose your Macadamia varieties in consultation with experts who are on hand
Checkout the new 10,000 Macadamia plant nursery and the Macadamia quarantine facility
Enjoy the unique environment for Macadamia seedlings utilising the heritage pohutukawa on location
See the early development of Torere Macadamia’s own 3,000 Macadamia tree orchard
Meet and rub shoulders with the most informed, knowledgeable, energetic, and enthusiastic Torere Macadamia Limited pioneers
Enjoy the long term benefits and rewards from being involved as one of the first in a new macadamia industry development
April – Easter Sunday 20th – 1pm to 3.30pm
May – Sunday 18th – 1pm to 3.30pm
COST – $10 couple or equivalent value in Nut product purchase
please confirm attendance by email to
* 1pm: Welcome, tour of Macadamia Nursery and Macadamia Trial Block
* 2pm: Tour through new macadamia orchard development
* 3pm: View Harvester and De-husker in operation
* Discussion and advice on choosing varieties and orchard planning
* Macadamia products – chocolate, honey, salt, wasabi, smoke’n’spice, Dukkah, Pesto, Brittle, etc.
* Valuable written material on macadamia variety comparisons, performance, etc is supplied
Bring hat, camera, note book and walking shoes.