New Zealand’s Macadamia Industry is unable to meet domestic demand for macadamias because there are not enough commercial macadamia trees growing here.
New Zealand imports macadamias from Australia and other countries and this is what fills most of our Supermarkets and other main outlets. Macadamias are considered the most luxurious of all nuts available, they command the highest price and the retail price for imported macadamias is the minimum price for fresh local New Zealand macadamias. Just imagine your investment returns for supplying fresh, quality organic spray-free New Zealand macadamias.
NZ imports more macadamias than it produces – what an opportunity for industry growth and import replacement especially with spray-free macadamias like these!!
New Zealand imports macadamia kernel and processed macadamias because we do not have adequate numbers of commercial macadamia trees growing to supply our own domestic market. The new dropping commercial macadamia varieties are gradually replacing the stick tight, low kernel recovery ‘Beaumont’ variety and improving grower returns.
Summary – New Zealand imported from Australia 188,482kg in 2009 and 173,182kg in 2010. New Zealand produces approximately 40,000kg kernel and requires 100,000 more trees planted before it can produce enough to replace imported macadamias.
The market opportunity presents itself for more New Zealand Macadamia Growers and Macadamia Investors
Torere Macadamias Limited recognised the opportunity in the 1980’s when picking macadamia varieties were the only option for growers. They are now well prepared to support and lead the growth of a new mechanised macadamia industry based on trialled and proven, commercially viable dropping macadamia varieties.
New Zealand does not have macadamia nut borer and other pests and disease problems that Australia has (yet) – New Zealand growers can easily have a totally organic macadamia industry.
Torere Macadamias Limited is establishing a national Organic macadamia growers Co-Operative for a more cohesive and successful macadamia grower-owned and controlled industry for new macadamia growers. This ensures new macadamia growers get the maximum financial benefit from their high kernel recovery macadamia varieties rather than the Processors and marketers as in most other primary industries.